Using Bloggers for Sweepstakes and Contests with Your Brand

With an estimated 200 million plus blogs out there, there is probably a good fit for your brand to run a sweepstakes or contest with a blogger.

So how do you find that good fit and avoid this?

Controversy for Chrysler over online contest

Or this?

Samsung Leaves Indian Bloggers Stranded in Berlin, Issues Apology

With both of these promotions, the brand intent was sound, but the execution was lacking.

Bloggers as Brand Influencers for Sweeps and Contests
Best practices for using bloggers to run sweeps and contests

If you plan on doing a sweepstakes or contest with bloggers, here are 5 simple rules to follow to avoid problems.

  1. Do your research. You will need to really look at what type of blogger writes the types of things that accurately reflect your brand, and has a voice and a reputation that would be a good match. Read their blogs and monitor the frequency. Look at who is following them. Go back through the archives and see what they have done in the past, who they have previously partnered with and how those dealings went. When in doubt, take a blogger off your list.
  2. Do it legally. Look at any blog site and you will see all sorts of “giveaways” that are really just illegal sweepstakes. Your brand’s sweepstakes or contest can’t be done like that. You need to follow the letter of the law. You will need Official Rules and, most likely, an agreement with your blogger. Consult an attorney or a promotional marketing agency like Marden-Kane to help you draft these.
  3.  Make the pitch personal. When you first contact your blogger don’t send them a form letter. Reach out to them personally – bloggers build personal relationships and if you want them to do that for your brand you need to look at the pitch as a way to make a new friend, not a conquest.
  4. Make it a mutually beneficial deal. Don’t expect your blogger to blindly agree to everything you want them to do. Make it a collaborative effort if you want them to work with you.
  5. Give bloggers tools for success. Keep in touch. Read what they post. Give them clear instructions. Check in with them. Don’t ever leave them high and dry – or you may hear about it later from a blog post you wish they hadn’t posted.

Most of this seems like common sense, but some brands suffer from “Don’t they know who we are?” syndrome and bloggers who have influence don’t want to deal with that attitude. Remember, they are using their personal reputation to help build your corporate brand, and if you lose their trust they will make it personal.

Follow these tips and you can avoid getting on the SUXORZ list for this year.

Marden-Kane can help with an promotion needs you may have — including blooger Sweepstakes. Contact us for help.