Everyone has a dream. A wish. A hope for that special SOMETHING.
And the holiday season is that time when we share our wishes and dreams with others in the hopes that we will get what we want.

When my kids were little I was appalled when they told Santa their dreams. One asked for world domination. One asked for The Toadies (a band) to get back together. And the little one asked for one of Santa’s reindeer. A live reindeer? And after eyeing me carefully over his fake spectacles when the older two made their requests, Santa told him he would most certainly bring the reindeer. He probably thought it was the most reasonable of the requests. And my three year old bragged for weeks about how Santa was bringing him Dasher.
This isn’t unique — people have wishes that are just as weird as my children’s.
But is Santa really going to bring you a Lexus wrapped in a giant bow, or that kitchen remodel, or a live reindeer?
Probably not.
But that’s where Marden-Kane comes in. We have been fulfilling people’s holiday dreams for over 55 years – in the form of prizes that Santa only dreams of bringing.
We have handled prize fulfillment for our clients’ sweepstakes and contests in the form of cash, trips, cars, entertainment systems, computers, motorcycles, guitars and more.

We currently have several holiday promotions in the works that will award dream prizes to people in time for the holidays. My favorite is the Barclaycard Holiday Wish List Sweepstakes. In that Sweepstakes, that ends Sunday, December 8, you can make a holiday wish list, share it and submit it for a chance to win one of the top 10 items on everyone’s wish list this season. The top 10 list changes our daily, but here are the current top items on everyone’s list:

1. Samsung Smart TV
2. iPad Air
3. Microsoft Surface
4. Bose SoundTouch System
5. iPad Mini
6. DSLR Camera
7. iPhone 5s
8. PlayStation 4
9. Xbox One
10. Samsung Galaxy Note
So what’s your dream?
I leave you with a smattering of dreams from the Marden-Kane staff collective wish list. See if you can guess who wants what:
• Can I go all out and add a car?
• Stainless Steel Growler – Brewing Network Online Store
• Panasonic 3D Smart Plasma HDTV (with 2 Pairs of 3D Active Glasses and Built-in Camera)
• Glenmorangie Scotch Single Malt Ealanta
• Maid service for a year
• Two front teeth
• Shopping Spree to Barcelona, Spain
• Not having to cook the holiday meal
• 12 months of hot stone massages
• And like…a house? I’m not sure what the limitations are here.
• A week long ski trip to Okemo with a liftside condo and lift tickets for 8.
• A Handy Man for 1 day to fix up all the repairs I need in the house
• Nespresso Espresso Machine
• No mistletoe over my head
• Cruise on the Mediterranean Sea
• Gym membership
• Mets Season tickets
• Yankees season tickets
• Orchestra Seats to the Nutcracker on Christmas Eve
• Dasher the Live Reindeer
• A trip to Disney. With a stay at Cinderella’s castle!
• Show me the money!
• World Peace
Happy shopping everyone!
(And how did that reindeer get back on the list???? I got the kid a stuffed one that year!)