Father’s Day is sneaking up on us. And if you have a product that speaks to dads, you should embrace all your dad fans out there by running a contest or sweepstakes to build up your fan base and increase brand loyalty.
Here are a few promotion ideas to help your brand celebrate all the Dads out there!

#DadLife Instagram Sweepstakes: New dads holding their babies. Dads coaching soccer games. Dads braiding their little girls hair. It’s all part of #DadLife. Ask people to share their dad life photos and short videos on Instagram that shows dads being dads and includes designated hashtags and a mention of your brand to be entered. Reward random winners with your products or something Dads would appreciate, such as a new grill or a massage.
Father’s Day Biggest Fish Tale Twitter Contest: Dads can be the greatest at telling stories, but let’s face it – dads have been known to tell a few exaggerations. Ask people to share the best fish tale given them by Dad on Twitter (in 140 characters of less) and include a hashtag (such as #bigfishtale and #sweepstakes). Give away something that the winner can share with their dad, like a restaurant gift certificate or gift card to take him out to dinner, to say “thank you” for always being there.
Don’t Tell Mom Snapchat Promotion: If your core audience is on Snapchat, what better way to reach them than to ask them to post a Snap about the things their Dads tell them not to tell Mom about. Reward the kids sending you #DontTellMom snaps with a discount code good for their next purchase (for Dad’s present, of course!) at your store.

Father’s Day Tie Facebook Contest: Using the Father’s Day cliché gift of a tie as the theme, ask your fans to share their “Best Father’s Day Tie” photo to your Facebook page. Screen entries and pick the best of the best top photos as Finalists, Then post all Finalists for public vote the week before Father’s Day. Then reward the winners with something Dads really want – a weekend getaway to Vegas, Mexico or a golf resort!
When you are planning your social media promotions be sure to follow the guidelines of the social platform you run the promotion on, have Official Rules, and make sure you read up on how to notify winners through the social channel. If you need help – contact us and we can do it for you!
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